
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to teach multiplication tools to little children

With Tubò it’s really easy and fun to learn the multiplication table! Just turn the two colored knobs and results will appear in the window along the tube.
The Multiplication Tube has 2 knobs; blue and red. Each turn of either knob alters the number in the corresponding coloured window, and the results of the product of "red" X "blue" is shown.
The Tubò makes a very ideal "learner's first computer" as it is un-complicated. A very simple exercise can be carried out at pre-school level with a story problem and the multiplication tube. Ask the child to tell you how many candies (or the likes) she needs for everyone in your household - when everyone gets 1 candy. Then show how the tube can compute the answer when every one gets 2 candies. Explore with your child what happens when it goes to 3 candies each.
Find the multiplication tube at

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