
Friday, June 12, 2015

What makes BIG Bobby Car stronger

Making it STRONG - the BIG Bobby Car method of production.

We have previously stated that BIG Bobby Cars are stronger than ordinary ride-ons because they are made using "blow moulding". 

By looking at the underside of any BIG Bobby Car, you will see that it's a covered and rather "solid" bottom. Blow moulding allows it to be fabricated for strength and using less components to hold pieces together. In fact, the BIG Bobby Car body is the main piece that holds the driving systems together.

Alternative method to shape a plastic body out of plastic is machine pressing the "shell" of the car to conform to the required shape. The result is something with a "hollow" bottom. This makes connection parts necessary to create covers, and most ordinary ride-ons simply come without a bottom cover.

Now you know why BIG Bobby Car is so strong. Find one at

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How to play with Quercetti Pallino

How to play with Quercetti Pallino

(A mosaic game with coloured balls.)

VIDEO: Watch a short clip of how to play with Quercetti's Pallino below

  1. Tip the toy upside-down and quickly turn back first so that the coloured balls goes to the top.
  2. Shake if necessary to make a coloured ball "wait" at the start point. The start point is on the right side, above the exit button.
  3. Look for the column that corresponds to the colour of the "waiting" ball.
  4. Press the button of the column and hold it.
  5. Tap the Enter button while holding the button chosen above.
  6. The "waiting" ball should move leftwards and fall into the chosen column.

This is a mechanical toy. Sometimes, the ball misbehaves or may be stuck. It shouldn't matter that much. It is still a lot of fun!

Find one at PARTY AND PLAY ~ Educational toys and more!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Before you select a ride-on kids car, read this!

Buying a ride-on kids car?
Wondering why the BIG Bobby Car?

Here's the most often compared quality difference between the BIG Bobby Car and the ordinary ones. As the BIG Bobby Car steers correctly and sits correctly, it will benefit the young rider. Other cars may not offer positive benefits.