
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parenting Experience: What a difference a Great ride-on makes!

When my elder son, Lucas, was turning one, we were excited to get him a ride-on toy for Xmas. We got a very exciting looking ride-on plane. It was going at a discount and had spinning soft blades that light up with a press of a button. Great music and an additional shape sorter make it an irresistible, value-for-money Xmas present for him.

The ride-on was not a disappointment. Lucas was pleased with the special effects and had a go at shape sorting. Since he was already happily cruising around on his feet, he enjoyed pushing the ride-on plane around the house. Then, we tried putting him on the plane. After all, it was a ride-on and we really envisaged him "flying" the plane in no time. However, Lucas (and us) had a rude shock when he tried to sit on it. Somehow, the ride-on was too tall for him and it easily allowed Lucas to fall off its sides. Lucas lost confidence. After a few tries, we gave up. We thought that maybe he was not ready.

Little did we knew then, that the ride-on plane remained as a shape sorter on wheels for another year. Lucas quickly moved on to other toys although he still spinned the blades and sorted the shapes now and then. Finally, he became the pilot of the ride-on, but only when he was so much older.

At one, my second son, Lewis, was luckier than his elder brother. He had a choice of either riding his elder brother's plane or his own Bobby Car. As predicted, Lewis did not go for the tall plane with a challenging center of gravity. He sat on the Bobby Car, without struggle and with little help. We got Lucas a Bobby Quad since he was already three and he instantly zoomed around the house with it.

Lewis, now 18 months,
on his BIG Classic Bobby Car Police,
with  added Multi Sound Wheel
Although Lewis was at first apprehensive and careful, he sat comfortably on the Bobby Car and watched his elder brother zoomed by. In no time, he conveniently pushed his feet against the floor and started exploring around on wheels.

As I write this blog today, my sons are chasing each other on wheels. Yes, Lewis is barely eighteen months but he is already an expert rider on the Bobby Car. Although Lucas is much older, that did not give him any advantage once Lewis is 'armed' with the Bobby Car. The boys have fun giving chase and I can see that Lewis is very confident on the smooth ride-on. He owns the car. He has control of it. He raced it. He zoomed around more confidently than how his toddling feet would take him today. It is brilliant!

With our own experience with the Bobby Car, we appreciate the value of a Great ride-on from a Great maker. It makes our decision to purchase the ride-on plane some years back a shame. As parents, we learn too as our children progress from milestones to milestones. When it comes to a ride-on, we have learnt the values that a truly good ride-on brings. Confidence, motor skills, fun. That is why we recommend the Bobby Car. It feels good to know that we sell something that will bring the right proposition to parents and children!

Find a BIG Bobby Car here at

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keep your baby Warm and Happy with these Buddies

As mums we know how it feels like when we first carry our babies in our arms. All we wanted was to keep them safe, warm and happy. And I do agree that the safest and most cosy place for our dear newborns is in our arms or on our chest, perpetually! Of course, that is practically not possible all the time. In replacement, we use swaddles, blankies, maybe a new soft toy. And of course, some of us use that little bean bag, that is placed on baby's tummy or chest so that he/she can find comfort. My confinement aunty introduced the bean bag to us, and both our boys took to it well.

I am lucky to have found a great toy from Sterntaler: the soft toy with an oat grain bag in it. I remember the comfort that a bean bag could give to a newborn and am excited to share it with you. Sterntaler is a well-regarded baby product maker in Germany. And it is no wonder that they introduced this range of soft toys with oat grain bags. 

The soft toys with oat grain bags serve many purposes. Firstly, they are really cute soft toys, representing many beautiful characters from Sterntaler. Each of their pleasent faces promises to delight babies and their soft material is safe and soothing to touch. Next, a velcro seals a compartment that holds the oat grain bag. The mild weight of the oat grain bag, together with its heat-retaining properties, allow the soft toys to exude gentle warmth so that baby can get both comfort and warmth at the same time. This promises to help baby to slumber well. Lastly, when the oat grain bag is removed, the toy itself can be used as what the French call a "dou dou" or a comfort cloth, something that your dear baby can connect to and find comfort in your absence.

Most important of all, we know the toys are safe for our babies because all Sterntaler toys are made of high-quality material which is free from harmful substance and carefully manufactured on the highest technical standard at all production sites. This is why - on a voluntary basis - Sterntaler respond to the challenges of meeting the ICTI-Code (International Council of Toy Industries) and they are one of the first German manufacturers that had all their toy production sites certified.

Ewald, the elephant from Sterntaler

Don't you love the babies from Sterntaler? I do. But I know, when you see your baby smile holding his/her very own Sterntaler buddy, that will make a better picture than the one you see here ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wonder Wooden Toy for Educational Development

Marbles can be so useful with just the right stuff. And the wooden "marble-run" set is such a developmental wonder toy for kids. At a rudimentary level, where the objective is to roll the marbles along the wooden pipelines along the arranged path, a smooth journey requires careful positioning of pieces. This is excellent to tune up the kids' fine motor control. 

Initially, the kids will be delighted with achieving the smooth journey itself. But given that these are re-positionable pieces, the imagination of a more exciting run will be the next thing. The possibilities are endless, and here are just some we encountered:
  • Marble Drop, with a section where the marble falls through air and into the pipe below.
  • Marble Collision, with one marble in the run, and a second one timed to accurately knock it in a drop.

With these pieces crafted just with wood, the whole "wooden-city" stands by mere balance and proper support positioning. It is partly this "temporary" fit that will develop spacial thinking and precise motor control in kids.

Our marble-run sets are here, and ready for your next developmental activity time with the kids.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Will My Child Fit in a Battery Operated Kids Car?

After their children have attained sufficient mobility and coordination skills, some parents are keen to nurture another skill-set, one which is very relevant in the modern world; manipulation of power tools. This is the time to consider whether a battery operated ride-on would be appropriate for the children.

A battery operated ride-on would not need the child user to move it by her own effort, but it does require the association of work done with affordances. And, the laws of physics must be obeyed, and add to them, the characteristics of real-world engineering. How fast will the ride-on move? How easy is it to stop? These translates to what the child user must do to sustain an enjoyable; therefore collision free, riding session.

Since children grow really fast, some parents may want to know when their children can "fit" in size and skills. Skills can be developed, and perhaps getting the children to learn is even better. 

We'll show you the seating capacity of one of our popular items; the "LAMBORGHINI battery powered ride-on" to answer the "size" fit question.

This ride-on requires assembly and ships in a carton. It is not easy to get a close look at the stores, so the next few pictures will help. 

There is quite a bit of space for a pre-schooler. 

Seat is wide enough to place an A4 paper length wise. (That's about 29cm.)

Foot board space is large enough too for an A4 paper. (That's about 29 x 21 cm.)

There you have it, a convenient comparison of the space in this ride and the popular A4 paper standard. One last thing, if your child is expected to play independently, she needs to be able to climb in confidently. And the height of this ride for getting into... A4 paper.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How Good is the BIG Bobby Car for a One Year Old Baby?

Want to know how one year olds take to their BIG Bobby Car ?
It's really amazing how much a baby grows in her first year. At first, just a new infant in your arms, and about 12 months later, ready to move around on her own. Baby's first ride-on can be introduced at this time, and we actually have seen first hand how impressive of the world's best known ride-on really is. 

Before the BIG Bobby Car, we have never seen that a baby can climb on-board any ride-ons with her own effort. More often, the ride-ons topple on their side, as the baby tries to pull herself up the seat. But, with the BIG Bobby Car, the same baby managed to climb on-board while the Bobby Car was resting on all its wheels. The baby had gripped onto the steering wheel and hoped on, all with a triumphant huff.

Getting baby to use the ride-on hasn't been easy though. In our eyes, the Bobby Car is a car; a toy one. But,  baby has no idea at all. So, always give baby a bit of time to become familiar with her Bobby Car. If she has an elder sibling, role-modelling can help, as we know how much faster babies learn from imitating their brothers or sisters. And because the BIG Bobby Car is so strong, you might even model it yourself! Climb on-board and let baby take a good look at what you are doing. It's not comfortable, but it gets the job done.You may just find that baby wants to do the same in no time.

Ride-on kids cars are fun indeed. The BIG Bobby Car is extra special because it is actually reported to offer benefits to children. If you want to know how the BIG Bobby Car aids the development of baby's hips, click on [].

The BIG Bobby Car is certainly a worthwhile investment when baby turns one. If at first, baby doesn't take to it, or "drives badly", take heart that this is really why baby needs to learn and to grow! We choose toys for infants and toddlers largely because the toys help them develop. And, the BIG range of mobility development toys are well designed to do that job.

Enjoy your baby's growing moments! Find BIG Bobby Cars here at

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Bobby Car steering vs ordinary ride-ons

What makes the "Bobby Car" steering so extra-ordinary?

Just pick up one of these German made kids ride and you can discover that children can get a ride that steers  almost as well as a real car! (To convince yourself further, look for tons of online videos showing even adults zooming about on these cars with so much ease.) So, why does the Bobby Car steer so well? How is this important?

It is common for ordinary kids ride-ons to employ a "turn-table" style steering. Basically, the steering wheel just rotates the front wheels directly for turning left and right. But in this type of design, the wheels inside and outside during a turn need to trace circles of different radius. The wheels in this case can slip, and that could dampen the child's mobility and freedom to steer confidently.

Meanwhile, Bobby Cars employ the Ackermann steering system; giving them realistic and smooth steering control. The Ackermann geometry was intended to help cars steer better, and kids ride-ons deserve this ease of steering because it gives the children the confidence to go where they want in the manner they instinctively expect. Thus, promoting the development of hand-eye-feet coordination with no disruptions.

The Bobby Car's steering is certainly easy and smooth.

The Ackermann steering geometry is why the Bobby Car steers so smoothly.

The Ackermann steering mechanism is distinctively seen from the side of the Bobby Car.
[Reference: Ackermann steering geometry. (2012, June 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07:30, July 11, 2012, from]

Ordinary "turn-table" style steering example. [Picture used for explanation of steering only.]


"BOBBY CAR" is a protected trademark of the maker BIG. This post is written as a reference, and the author does not own the rights to the trademark.

Opinions expressed are personal.

Ackermann steering is a patented design by its patent owner.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Special licensed Bobby Cars

There are specially licensed Bobby Cars made by BIG, the world famous maker of the BIG Bobby Car.

For example:

  • Mercedes Benz
  • Porsche

Party and Play will also carry the licensed models. Our CONTEST is on till 2012-JULY-15 for a chance to win one for your kids! Just visit our Facebook for details.

Where to buy BIG Bobby Cars and the licensed models? Visit

kids ride-on 
kids foot to floor cars
ride on with rubber wheels
BIG Bobby Cars

Some Basic Points about WATERPLAY

aquaplay in Singapore and water toys  

Some Basic Points about WATERPLAY

  • WATERPLAY is made by BIG of Germany
  • WATERPLAY water tracks are connected using dedicated connectors, which do not use glue or tapes.
  • WATERPLAY sets can be divided as carry case type and track type. Both types can be connected as they are compatible and children can start with any set and connect any other from the range when desired.
  • BIG  WATERPLAY  sets each offer a distinct feature, such that the variety in the whole range ensures that all sets can offer additional angle of play.

Photos of WATERPLAY and how its connectors work are found in 

Waterplay is available in Singapore from PARTY AND PLAY.

BIG Waterplay water toys for kids in Singapore. Not compatible with aquaplay
Combining WATERPLAY sets

Pedal tractors retail flyer for BIG tractors in Singapore

BIG Pedal Tractors retail flyer 

Thank you for supporting the BIG tractors range. If you like to have a soft-copy of the retail flyer, please click on the above image and save it using your browser's image saving function.

Some of our customers have asked whether their children can try the tractors. Yes indeed, please call us to find out. Thank you! aims to be the first name for pedal tractors.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pedal Tractors vs Battery Rides

Should you buy a pedal or battery powered kiddie ride?

Pedal tractors vs battery cars
Pedal Tractors
The question of "pedal" power vs "battery" power gets raised once in a while. There are merits to each type of ride on toy, and that's not forgetting that "foot to floor" is another category of ride-ons for kids.

The attraction of pedal tractors are their added utility features, like scoops, and lifting forks (like BIG Linde Forklift). Power is how the child moves the vehicle. As long as the pedal is well made, the child can move the vehicle comfortably, that is every bit of fun already.

Here are some personal views for parents to consider. When a child is really small; between 18 months till 2  years old, the concept of start-stop and steering is rudimentary. It really takes a carefully designed battery ride to be used well by these children. Some battery rides have oddly positioned start-stop switches and the children might face some challenge during operation. So, one option is radio controlled kiddie rides. Of course, that does mean it's more of a joy ride, and less of developmental engagement.

Between 2 to 3.5 years old, kids seem to understand steering and direction. They are probably more confident in start-stop. Again, a well designed battery ride will help. On the other hand, if the child is introduced to a pedal car/ tractor, she will have a chance to develop coordination of eye, hand and foot because all these must work together to control the pedal ride.

In terms of tractors, this is even more beneficial, because a fine control is required if the child wants to "scoop" up something. A good pedal tractor has a good chain and moves elegantly. The rider will be able to perform "work" confidently. Conversely, ordinary motorised kiddie rides tend to have jerky starts because the "transmission" is quite coarse. It is more challenging to play.

As a child grows, weight increases. The power required increases. This is when the low powered kiddie cars (about 6 volts) become inadequate. A 24V kiddie ride might be good enough, but this range is normally much more costly. Pedal cars/ tractors become more attractive because the rider has more developed muscles and actually pedal even better. Also, the older children like playing as a group. Pedal tractors are better in steering and with their smooth movement, they are easier to avoid collision.

Finally, whether pedal or battery powered, the key is that children benefit and have fun. Each type has its own unique proposition, and indeed, at the right stage of growth, introduce the one that suits the children.

[Above article does not represent the views of our suppliers.]

Find and buy Pedal tractors at - the first name in pedal tractor for kids in Singapore

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Balance bikes for kids and BIG Bikes

Many parents like to know whether BIG Bikes are "balance" bikes.

While the term "balance bikes" perhaps have been more familiar nowadays, there are also some customers who may relate it to "training bicycles".

To our best understanding, the "balance bikes" promote the learning of how to balance at a rider's early stage, for the next phase of riding on bicycles.

Many "balance bike" products are made for children 3 yrs or older. BIG Bikes are made for children age 18 months and above. BIG bikes stand on their own, and children can start to use them as soon as they are able to stand reasonably confidently.

The advantage of this is that children gain confidence in using wheels through play and foot-motion. There is no need to worry about "balancing" yet. Also, BIG bikes comes with steering handles, so that children can learn about directional control, and adapt to bike riding easily.

BIG bikes are great toys for the house because the child can ride on it for long duration, feel comfortable and free. Some parents who own them said that "balance bikes are the trainers for bicycles, and BIG bikes are the trainers for balance bikes." There's certainly merit in this claim. 

The BIG bikes are made by the same company that makes BIG BOBBY CARS; world's best kiddy ride-on. BIG bikes are light weight, and their designs are appealing. We are confident in saying that kids will have a lot of fun with the BIG bikes, and the confidence and skills gain through playing, or riding the BIG bikes will benefit their development well.

BIG bike vs balance bikes for kids in Singapore

BIG Bikes are imported and distributed by PARTY AND PLAY.

Above article is based on personal observations, and does not represent the views of the manufacturer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Buy toys in Singapore for kids

Kids toys are sold in stores and shops naturally. But, most of the time, the customer can only rely on box art to decide whether the toys are good.

Now, PARTY AND PLAY is attempting to make it more pleasant for customers to choose toys. We are planning to be at more fairs and events for customers to view our toys.

Tips for WATERPLAY at home

WATERPLAY from BIG is a water track toy, also identified as canal system toys. Kids can play it dry, but pour in some water, and everyone will be so amazed. Here are some tips on playing with WATERPLAY.

1) WATERPLAY does not leak, but have a cloth around to soak up spills. This is part of learning about water too!
2) Use clean water. And when play time is over, re-use the water for plants and washing. Instill the value of using water responsibly.
3) Spend time with the kids. WATERPLAY sets are big, and team work really helps. You can operate the paddles, and the kids can work the pumps.
4) Use a scoop to remove water.If the WATERPLAY sets are elevated or played on table tops, use a water siphon to help. Hand pumps are available from DIY and household items stores.

More than safe, it's good!

Every parent knows that toys are subjected to safety standards in Singapore. For good toy makers like BIG, toy safety is inherent, but they do things even better by getting their toys recognized for good play value.

"Since 2008 the LGA assigns the seal of approval „LGA tested – excellent play value“. For that the toys will be tested in three different test procedures: from LGA by themselves in view of the legal standards and safety criteria, from independent educators of toy research considering pedagogic aspects as well as from nurseries/day-care institutes as per psychological factors." ~ BIG website.

BIG's range of toys are award winners, and with many products, the awards are given strictly only to the best and most deserving.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Karts vs Karts by BIG

Pedal karts are fun to race in. But, what makes BIG karts so different from the rest?

Design wise, the BIG kart is very sporty and refined.

BIG kart has forward and backward on the first setting, and neutral on the second.

BIG kart has inflatable tyres! And this is very important for the comfort and care of the young riders! If it is not comfortable, the young riders will feel every bump of the road, and that hurts!

And, the BIG kart has adjustable seats to accommodate growth. 

BIG Kart, available in Singapore

So, if it's a pedal kart you are looking for, then the BIG Kart is the one. Buy it a PARTY and PLAY.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

BIG Linde Forklift is THE pedal tractor for kids

The BIG Linde Forklift is a pedal toy like no other! When we first saw it online, we were certainly impressed. And, knowing that it is a BIG product makes that even better.

This pedal ride has all the quality features from BIG tractors; smooth chains, precise steering and durable material. And it is authentic. Modeled after Linde, and it is one of the licensed products in the new line up of tractors.

This pedal tractor has sold out repeatedly in stores around the world. We have ordered our stocks, and will bring this for retail in Singapore.

PARTY AND PLAY really hopes to be the first name for pedal tractors. We will be actively engaged with the supplier to bring in such high quality tractors.

Buy BIG Linde Forklift in Singapore.

So many reasons to love BIG toys!

BIG is the name behind the world's best ride-on, the BIG Bobby Car. And, the fantastic thing about this German toy maker is their pride in making very good toys in very good ways.

Take for example, many of their outdoor toys provide the functions that parents expect as basic. Like, a slide is for kids to slide down. BIG goes beyond that and uses materials are a UV stable, because they know that outdoor toys have to face the sun.

While many premium toy makers are just associated with one or two product lines, BIG is the maker of multiple successful lines. Now, PARTY AND PLAY has brought this word famous brand to Singapore, in line with our vision to bring great toys from great makers. Talk to us, and let us explain the many ways which BIG toys shine and made us very committed to the brand right from the start.

Buy BIG toys in Singapore from PARTY AND PLAY, and our official retailers. Only we can represent you and serve you the BIG way.

BIG Waterplay Niagara

In the BIG Waterplay range (Niagara, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Fire Alarm, Container Port, Beach Party and Fun Land),  Niagara is best differentiated by its 2-level slope. Working together with a reservoir, water is used to lift boats up to the upper level for a rush down the slope.

We are really glad to know that the BIG Waterplay Niagara received such warm welcome for its debut in Singapore.

This is a unique water toy, and it is the kind of toys we love to have in our range!

The BIG Waterplay Niagara

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Best ride ons for kids Big Bobby Cars

BIG Bobby Cars are probably as good as they get when it comes to ride-ons for kids.

Already in existence for 40 years, the car is un-matched in design and reputation. They are fun for kids, and even healthy. Yes, even doctors agree that BIG Bobby Cars help children develop motor skills.

Our stock of BIG Bobby Cars are shown in

Although we really like to just let the Bobby Cars speak for themselves, we want to address in this blog the relevance about battery operated rides.

When our child first tried the BIG Bike, we knew he loved it more than any other ride-ons he previously played with. And, truth is, he does have access to many battery and non-battery rides. We observed him for the next one hour and found that the size, design, ergonomics etc were really just right for children in their early development stages. As a toddler, he had to feel confident with the toys. BIG Bikes were really that! Easy to play with, looks great and light enough for him to push around.

Battery rides are not without their merits. But, these tend to be heavier, and learning to steer correctly while moving could be something for perhaps another time.

We believe that confidence building is the necessary first step, and BIG toys can do that. Our experience with BIG Bike is again confirmed with BIG Bobby Car. Kids love playing toy cars, and it's even better if they can sit on it.

Water play toys in Singapore, is BIG Waterplay good?

Water play toys from BIG are sold as BIG Waterplay.

These are water track toys, which means pieces of tracks can be connected together to create a small water world. BIG Waterplay uses connectors which are very easy to use, as there are no glue, no tape in the design. Also, it is more water tight.

Our range of BIG Waterplay water play toys can be found in

BIG Waterplay Niagara is a top favourite and Party and Play is committed to promoting BIG Waterplay as a valuable educational water toy for children in Singapore.

What's nice about BIG Waterplay is that every set in the range is created to add variety. Different ways to play means more learning and play value. We have an overview on how the sets differ in our store webpage at

Who is Party and Play LLP?

Party and Play LLP is a registered company in Singapore. We are primarily a children's toys and products trading firm.

The company has been started by a family team, and thus has a very personal engagement with the products carried. Toys imported by Party and Play need to be toys we can trust, and are best for our children.

Although the company is new, it is actually an independently operated affiliates of a local company with more than 30 years experience in international business.

Party and Play - Great Toys from Great Makers
The Party and Play LLP  logo
The Party and Play logo clearly displays the name of the company, with a stylized marquee enclosure. It represents the company's objective to be a good place for good toys.

You can visit to browse our products.